Pacific pea, Lathyrus vestitus var. vestitus
Lathyrus vestitus var. vestitus

Marin Headlands Wildflowers

Seaside daisy, Erigeron glaucus
Seaside daisy

The Marin Headlands are a unit of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area that offers a wide variety of trails with abundant wildflowers. In late January 2022 we took a somewhat strenuous hike in a loop that led us from beach level up to a ridge where we had wonderful views of the Pacific Ocean, looking back towards San Francisco. It can be a busy trail, but there is a lot of room up there. 

Even this early in the year, we found quite a variety of native wildflowers (and many non-native plants as well).

The Flowers

Here’s a sample of a few of my favorites from this hike (click on the image to see a larger view).

Dwarf checkerbloom were scattered about along the coastal trail, heading up the hill. They really stand out!

Dwarf checkerbloom, Sidalcea malviflora ssp. malviflora
Dwarf checkerbloom

We found quite a few mosquito bill (aka Henderson’s shooting star) in bloom on the Wolf Ridge trail, which isn’t as exposed to the sun as the Coastal trail. This is one of my favorite early wildflowers. In general, this species can have either 4 or 5 petals. However,  those in Marin County always have just 4 petals.

Mosquito bill, Primula hendersonii
Primula hendersonii

Footsteps of spring is so aptly named! You often see multiple clumps of these in a staggered row up a hillside. It looks like a sprite has run up the hill, and flowers flourish at each step.

Footsteps of spring, Sanicula arctopoides
Footsteps of spring

If you click on lightbox image below you will see larger versions of the photos, and you can scroll through all of the plants (and other things) that we found on this hike. All photos are available for purchase in a variety of formats.

The Hike

This is a long hike, 6 miles with over 900′ of elevation change. You go through quite a variety of plant habitats.

We started at the parking lot of the Marin Headlands Visitor Center and headed west along Rodeo Lagoon. I prefer the south side of the lagoon so you don’t have to walk along the busy roadside.

Rodeo beach from the trail south of the lagoonThis opens up to Rodeo Beach, where you may find a several native wildflowers in the sand dunes. About half way across the beach you will find a bridge that takes you across the lagoon to the road.

At the west end of the beach you will see a paved trail that leads up the steep hill. This is the Coastal Trail. You will find wildflowers along the way.

Battery Townsley, WW2 gun emplacement that had massive 16" guns
Battery Townsley from below

Part way up the Coastal trail you will pass Battery Townsley, a fortified position that was established to protect the entrance to the San Francisco Bay. HUGE guns were placed here, but they were never used (other than for practice). A sample of one of the guns lays outside the battery.

After the battery the trail continues steeply up the hill. There are a LOT of steps! Wildflowers and interesting lichens along the way.

The Wolf Ridge trail runs along the north edge of the ridge. Narrow but fairly smooth
Wolf Ridge trail

Near the top you will come to a trail junction. Turning left (west) will take you further along the Coastal trail. We took the right hand option, the Wolf Ridge trail. This begins to take you along the north side of the ridge, which is protected from the wind a bit. You will find a completely different set of wildflowers along here.

Eventually this trail meets with the Miwok trail. We turned right (south) to go down the hill. This is a paved road for the most part, very steep (no steps). I’m glad we had our hiking sticks.

At the bottom of the hill you reach a fairly level riparian area. Continue west on this trail until you come to the road. Cross the road going south, you will find a short set of steps leading off the road, which take you back to the visitor center parking area.

Here’s the track that we followed:


Click following button or element on the map to see information about it.
Lf Hiker | E.Pointal contributor

Marin Headlands   


50 100 150 200 5 10 15 Distance (mi) Elevation (ft)
No data elevation
Name: No data
Distance: No data
Minimum elevation: No data
Maximum elevation: No data
Elevation gain: No data
Elevation loss: No data
Duration: No data


Trail loop up to Hill 88 and back

Move your mouse along the elevation graph to show the location on the map. The Refresh icon will re-center the map. The Expand icon will expand to full screen.


The Marin Headlands are on the north side of the Golden Gate Bridge. Take exit 442 on Highway 101, which is close to the Golden Gate Bridge View Vista Point, and head north on Alexander Avenue. Very shortly you will come to Bunker Road. Turn left (west) on Bunker Road, which takes you into the Baker-Barry Tunnel. After 2.7 miles you will see signs for the Marin Headlands Visitor Center on your left (Field Road). Turn there, and the parking lot will be on your right. The restrooms are on the west end of the parking lot, and the trail starts there.

There are several places that you can park in the Marin Headlands. I like to use the visitor center because it is usually less crowded (farther from the beach) and it has a very clean public restroom. There is no fee to park here.

Timing is Everything

This visit was in the last week of January 2022, a month/year that had very low rainfall totals. Portions of the trail are dirt and gravel, so in a wetter year this loop might be a bit messy. However, this time, the weather was bright and seasonably moderate, although it was a bit windy for the climb up the Coastal trail. We hiked on a weekday, and the trail was fairly busy with hikers and mountain bikers. 

Marin Headlands Wildflowers

Here’s a listing of the native plants that we found on this visit. 

The ones listed in color are endemic to California (that is, found only in the California Floristic Province). nif” means “not in flower”. CNPS numbers are ratings for rare plants by the California Native Plant Society (see my explanation of CNPS ranks). In most cases the scientific name will be a link to a reference source such as Calflora.

The following are non-native plants that we found on the hike as well:

  • African cornflag, Chasmanthe floribunda
  • Bermuda buttercup, Oxalis pes-caprae
  • Cape-Ivy, Delairea odorata
  • Corn spurrey, Spergularia arvensis
  • European Searocket, Cakile maritima
  • Fennel, Foeniculum vulgare
  • Field marigold, Calendula arvensis
  • Forget-me-not, Myosotis sp.
  • Hairy Bittercress, Cardamine hirsuta
  • Himalayan blackberry, Rubus armeniacus
  • Ice plant (sea fig), Carpobrotus sp.
  • Narcissus sp.
  • Poison Hemlock, Conium maculatum
  • Prostrate cape weed, Arctotheca prostrata
  • Rough cat’s ear, Hypochaeris radicata
  • Sheep sorrel, Rumex acetosella 

We also found the following:

  • American Coot, Fulica americana
  • Armored Sea-Fog Lichen, Niebla homalea
  • Anna’s Hummingbird, Calypte anna
  • California maidenhair fern, Adiantum jordanii
  • Coyote Brush Bud Gall Midge, Rhopalomyia californica
  • Cumberland Rock Shield lichen, Xanthoparmelia cumberlandia
  • Hairy brackenfern, Pteridium aquilinum var. pubescens
  • Lace Lichen, Ramalina menziesii. CA official state lichen
  • Leaf beetle, Family Chrysomelidae
  • Nicklin’s Shoulderband Snail, Helminthoglypta nickliniana
  • Pacific Three-banded Lady Beetle, Coccinella trifasciata ssp. subversa
  • Polypodium fern (not sure of species)
  • Sagebrush Woolly Stem Gall Midge, Rhopalomyia floccosa, on California sagebrush (Artemisia californica)
  • Tree Ruffle Liverwort, Porella navicularis
  • Turkey Vulture, Cathartes aura

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