Desert figwort, Scrophularia desertorum
Scrophularia desertorum

Virginia Lakes Wildflowers

Big Virginia Lake, Virginia Lakes
Big Virginia Lake

The Virginia Lake trail takes you to a series of high-altitude lakes in the Hoover Wilderness area in the Eastern Sierra Nevada, not far from Mono Lake. This is a great place to see a wide variety of wildflowers, and some spectacular scenery.

Note, however, that you are hiking at about 10,000′ elevation with some steep climbs on some parts of the trail, so be prepared!

On our visit we only made it a mile in, just past Blue Lake, before the altitude got to us. I had hoped to make it to Frog Lake, a 3.5 mile round trip with a 500′ elevation gain. For those who are in better shape, you can You can go to Summit Lake, a 9 mile round trip with a 2500′ foot elevation gain.

The Flowers

Here’s a sample of a few of my favorites from this hike (click on the image to see a larger view).

Desert figwort is a small flower but very interesting. This is very similar to the more commonly seen California bee plant (aka California figwort). The lower petals are lighter colored, and this species is found at higher altitudes (It was at about 10,000′). First time I’ve come across this species.

Desert figwort, Scrophularia desertorum
Desert figwort

I always get excited when I find a native orchid like this Sierra bog orchid. Note the very long spur at the base of the flower. We found these along the stream coming down from Blue lake.

Sierra bog orchid, Platanthera dilatata var. leucostachys
Sierra bog orchid

This late in the season there wasn’t a lot of variety, at least not in the portion of the trail that we were able to cover. Probably the most common wildflower along the way was Slender cinquefoil.

Slender cinquefoil (aka Nuttall's cinquefoil), Potentilla gracilis var. fastigiata
Slender cinquefoil (aka Nuttall’s cinquefoil)

Here are a few of the wildflowers (and insects) that we found on the trail. Since it was late in the season, many of the plants were a bit ragged, so I’m only including the better photos.

For the best viewing experience, click on the lightbox image below, and you can scroll through larger versions of the photos of many of the plants (and other things) that we found on this hike. All photos are available for purchase  in a variety of formats.

The Hike

Virginia Lakes Trail
Virginia Lakes Trail

The trail starts at the parking lot by Big Virginia Lake. This is a high altitude hike, starting at 9800′. The trail is well maintained. Unfortunately, we weren’t acclimated to the altitude, so after about a mile in (and facing a fairly steep climb) we had to turn around and head back. I’m hoping that next year we can try again, after a few days of high-altitude hiking/training, and get further in.

The trail starts off near the vault toilet and goes along Big Virginia Lake, then up a gentle slope through the trees.

In some places there was snow melt running down the trail.

We found quite a few wildflowers scattered along the trail in this area. Some were off to the side, nearer the lake.

Climb past Blue Lake, Virginal Lakes Wildflowers
Blue Lake

This is the second lake, Blue Lake. From here the trail starts to climb. It is very exposed and would be hot in the summer.

We made it up to the trees that you see to the right of center. This is a hillside seep, and we found quite a few wildflowers in that area.

Our goal was to continue up past that knoll that is left of center, to Cooney and Frog Lakes, but the altitude was getting to us so we turned back.

Looking south over Big Virginia Lake, to the rockfall and snowmelt seep
Looking south over Big Virginia Lake

If I visit this area again, earlier in the season, I hope to take a small spur trail that heads south from the parking area to the other side of Big Virginia Lake, heading towards Red Lake. There is a very interesting spot with lots of vegetation and snowmelt that should be a great spot to hunt for wildflowers. This should be easier to reach, since it is at the same level as the parking area.

Here’s the track that we followed:


Click following button or element on the map to see information about it.
Lf Hiker | E.Pointal contributor

Virginia Lakes   


50 100 150 200 5 10 15 Distance (mi) Elevation (ft)
No data elevation
Name: No data
Distance: No data
Minimum elevation: No data
Maximum elevation: No data
Elevation gain: No data
Elevation loss: No data
Duration: No data

Move your mouse along the elevation graph to show the location on the map. The Refresh icon will re-center the map. The Expand icon will expand to full screen.


From Lee Vining, near Mono Lake, go north on Highway 395 for about 12 miles to the Conway Summit. You are looking for Virginia Lakes Road on the west side. There may be road signs for Virginia Lakes. There is a cluster of buildings on the west of the highway, and a CalTrans facility on the east side.

Virginia Lakes Trailhead
Parking at the trailhead

Follow Virginia Lakes Road, passing the Virginia Lakes Resort, heading to the Virginia Lakes parking area at the end of the road (about 6 miles). This is one of several trailheads in the vicinity, all end up going to the same trail. There is a vault toilet here, and a fairly large parking lot. Note, though, that this is a very popular trailhead, so it may get crowded in the summer.

Timing is Everything

We took a chance with this visit, the end of September in a year where the early cold weather delayed blooming times around Northern California. We lucked out, it was a clear day, not too windy, and temperatures started in the low 60’s. Clearly we were at the end of the bloom, with just a few late season flowers (and a few surprises, like the Sierra bog orchid). Many of the flowers were beat up from the cold weather and rain. This is an area where I would try sometime in late July through August. If you can get up to Frog Lake, or further into the Hoover Wilderness, you should find a very nice variety of sub alpine wildflowers.

Virginia Lakes Wildflowers

Here’s a listing of the native plants that we found on this visit. One of the nice things about hiking in high-altitude areas is that you don’t see a lot of non-native plants!

“nif” means “not in flower”. In most cases the scientific name will be a link to a reference source such as Calflora.

We also found the following:

  • Bandwing grasshopper, Circotettix sp.
  • Brook Trout, Salvelinus fontinalis
  • Common Aerial Yellowjacket, Dolichovespula arenaria (wasp)
  • Common Sickleleg, Asemosyrphus polygrammus (fly)
  • Cuckoo bee, tribe Melectini
  • Masked bee, Hylaeus sp.

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