Fringed checkerbloom, Sidalcea diploscypha

Glide Tule Ranch

This page exhibits photos of both native and nonnative plants found at the Glide Tule Ranch. This is a unit in the Yolo Basin Wildlife Area. It is an excellent example of a California vernal pool / grassland prairie ecosystem, and is the home to many California native wildflowers, a number of which are rated as rare by CNPS. It is not open to the public, but every year there usually is a tour that is open to members of the Yolo Basin Foundation.

In the notes for each picture, “native” refers to a plant that is native to California, “endemic” means that the plant is only found in California. All photos are available for purchase in a variety of formats.

You can filter the gallery by color, or to list “rare” plants, by clicking the buttons below.

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