California has an amazing variety of wildflowers. Here’s a collection of my California native wildflower photos, gathered from all over the state, but with an emphasis on Northern California (where I live).
You may also be interested in my California wildflower hikes page, where I write about some of the hikes you can take to find these wildflowers.
All photos are available for purchase in a variety of formats.
“Endemic”, in this case, indicates that the flower is found only in California.
You can filter the photos by clicking on the color buttons below.

Diogenes' lantern
aka Golden fairy lantern. Calochortus amabilis, in the burned area of Sugarloaf Ridge State Park, CA. Native, endemic

Ferris' Milkvetch
Astragalus tener var. ferrisiae, CNPS 1B.1. Very difficult to distinguish from Alkali milkvetch, Astragalus tener var. tener, which is CNPS ranked 1B.2.

Hogwallow starfish
Hesperevax caulescens, aka Dwarf cudweed. CNPS rare plant 4.2 (limited distribution)

Ithuriel's spear
Triteleia laxa, native. aka Wally baskets. Taller, branched head, when compared to Brodiaea

Meadow foxtail
aka Pacific foxtail. Alopecurus saccatus, native. Small form found in vernal pools, is larger in grasslands

Sierra Bog Orchid
Platanthera dilatata var. leucostachys. closeup of the individual flower. Oyster Creek CA