North Table Mountain Ecological Reserve

About I Brake for Wildflowers

Charlie Russell Nature Photography at North Table Mountain

Hi, my name is Charlie Russell, and I’ve always been interested in photographing wildflowers. In recent years I enrolled in the Tuleyome Certified California Naturalist program, and that has helped me expand my interests into wildlife, birds, insects, and much more.

This website features the best of my photos, articles about places to hike to see wildflowers, and pages that go into detail on some of my favorite natural places to visit.  I hope that you enjoy them!

This website is not intended to be a “wildflower hotline” where you can find up to the minute reports on where to find wildflower displays at the time that they are blooming. There are other sites that do this, but there also is concern because these “hotlines” can bring in large crowds of people who may trample on the flowers and trespass on private property. Please, if you take one of these hikes, be respectful of private property and take only pictures.

For some background:

You can also find my photos on:

Purchasing Photos: Many of my photos are available to purchase, as prints, canvases and other formats. See my  photo purchasing page for details.

Privacy: The privacy of our visitors is important to me. I recognize that privacy of your personal information is important. I will never sell your personal information to third parties.

Contact Me

Please feel free to contact me via this form if you have any questions about my photographs.

If you wish to purchase a photograph, refer to the information on my purchasing page first, before using the contact form.

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