Sierra columbine, Aquilegia pubescens. Possibly a hybrid with A. formosa

Recommended Wildflower Books

There is a tremendous amount of great information that you can find when searching the Internet (like this blog!), but I often find myself doing a lot of my research with books. Perhaps I’m old fashioned (or, just old), but I like to start looking for information about where to hike, and what I might find there, with a good book.

Here are some of the books that have served me well. I have used all of these, and highly recommend them.

Note that for product links to Amazon from this page, as an Amazon Associate, I may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases. These commissions help cover a portion of my expenses for running this website. And, again, I use everything that I list here.

Wildflowers in California

Wildflowers of Table Mountain
THE definitive book on the North Table Mountain Ecological Reserve
Tahoe's spectacular wildflower trails
Many of my hikes are based on this excellent book
Mount Shasta Wildflowers
Great details on trails, wonderful illustrations
Wildflowers of California Month by Month
Details on when to visit spots all over California
Wildflowers of Nevada and Placer Counties
Very detailed, specific to Nevada and Placer counties
Wayside Wildflowers of the Pacific Northwest
Wildflowers of the Sierra Nevada and the Central Valley
Wildflowers of Northern California Wine Country
Tahoe Wildflowers


60 hikes within 60 miles San Francisco
Hiking Glacier and Waterton Lakes National Parks
Hiking Yosemite National Park
Wildflower Wonders

Wildflower Wonders by Bob Gibbons is an amazing book. Although it isn’t a typical “wildflower guide”, it is one of my favorite books. Bob Gibbons traveled all around the world exploring fantastic locations for wildflowers and natural history, and this book gives you a wonderful overview of what you can find throughout the world. Several of the hikes I’ve written about were inspired by this book. I also was fortunate to have accompanied Bob on several tours (Greece, Italy, Estonia, France) before he passed away. We miss you, Bob!

Take a look at my page on equipment I use for some recommendations on the items I use in my hikes and photography.

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